I am not God, nor Jesus Christ, but, merely a concerned spirit about the Human Condition!
The Universe is so vast, beautiful, full of wonders & mysteries, and so many different environments, planets, intelligent life at times similar, at other instances so different from each other, however, there exists a universal constant that allows intelligent beings achieve varying levels of divinity, grace, & self-awareness, all mafe possible via a more refined spirit!
I have always been a humble person, yet gifted with a very high degree of cognitive & emotional intelligence, and of spiritual awareness. However, I assure you that the intentions or reasons for my works are never based on selfish reasons nor paradigms that seek to exploit other spirits, actions, nor beings. For I am a firm believer that true progress that lasts is only made possible by learning, creating, practicing, and refining the processes that make any being in the universe, but for our purposes on Earth a "human being" more sensitive about his☆herself, about her☆his environment, while becoming more self-aware of the universe at large, and more locally on Earth civilized enough to seek well being, creative works, and a progressive life/existence, not for himself or herself only, but for all beings, on Earth, and also elsewhere in the universe.
There is vast knowledge on human libraries, museums, governments, etcetera, both ancient & current, that have in bright intellectual ways shown the things that human beings need to do to attain a rationally balanced society and the corresponding progress, and the need to extend that wealth & well being beyond local communities or independent countries, but sharing it worldwide with all of humanity! At present it seems that humans are primarily inclined to satisfy their egotistic needs, egos, desires, goals, etcetera, and money, wealth in varying material forms, and power are the most sought, desired, or worked towards, while wisdom, pure love, empathy, compassion, and other spiritual grace attributes are less popular. And do not even waste your time telling me that you have "pure love" for your children, your friends, your relatives...That not "pure love", but a bad convolution of your selfish, spiritually imbalanced, and irrational way of understanding human life, because you are easily deceived, both by each other, and by Satan the Devil, demons, etcetera. You are too nascent an naive a species, yet you think of yourselves in your narcissism and egocentric as rulers of the universe. You have much to learn humans, things such as "loving your enemies as yourselves", and very little is the time you have to do it, before Jehovah God, or for you those not religious but with intellectual or scientific aptitude, before "The Universe" decides whether to destroy most of humanity or not. But, the universe is what it is because from its very beginning, a time a human mind cannot grasp nor understand, it refines itself, all its systems, and all within it! Your failure or success to refine yourself within the abilities bestowed upon your spirit by the universe, is your choice, and yours only!"