www.GodBlessYou.LOVE ☆ www.MostViews.Watch
Why is Christopher Homeless?
Asking the United States Government & the Whole World for Greater Accountability for the Human Condition!
www.GodBlessYou.LOVE ☆ www.MostViews.Watch
Asking the United States Government & the Whole World for Greater Accountability for the Human Condition!
☆Update on Christopher Meade as of October 27th, 2024☆
Chris is doing okay! (I suppose as far as I am able to help him financially, his other choice is asking people to buy him something to eat. And he deserves to be treated with dignity as everyone else!) He called me on both my phones, and texted me asking for help! For more details you may click on the "Updates on Chris" page.
Meanwhile, I continue my national research on abuses and neglect against Americans with disabilities. To demand from Federal and State authorities proper accountability, proper access to healthcare, welfare benefits, & housing, and punitive charges whereever State and Federal officials and employees willingly fail to properly care for Americans with disabilities unable to properly care for themselves, and who are unable to use judicial processes to demand justice or to be safeguarded against corrupt abuses of laws and authoritative positions of power, whether those abusers be the police, or holders of accessibility to care and services.
Jesimiel Millar
"Once somebody develops a close friendship with Chris, one realizes that he is a very intelligent man, but, unfortunetely because of his autistic condition he is not able to balance his intellect in the proper way, and thus sadly both his behaviors and his ability to properly rationalize daily life or simple concepts gets negatively affected. But, people may be surprised, that he is not in YouTube or the internet listening or viewing stupid videos, but, quite the opposite, he listens to and watches intellectual and philosophical videos or content. He loves to listen to Illuminati videos mainly by Mason Hall, and honestly before meeting Chris I never had watched nor read anything Illiminati related, and only knew what the general media or propaganda briefly rarely said about it. However, via Chris, as a bystander listening to him watch his illuminati philosophical videos, I was astonished by how intelligent, keenly deductive, and philosophically sound the teachings of Mason Hall were. In fact, I don't watch them on my own because it is as if it was me myself who wrote such things. The congruence between hiss mind and mine is a little unsettling, yet, there is a saying which does say that "like minds think alike". I was born into and raised as a Jehovah's Witness, until they disfellowshipped me from the religion because I joined the U.S.Navy to render non-combatant medical services as a Hospital Corpsman, and when I was sent to the front lines of the war in Iraq after 9/11/2001, I was taking care of casualties, injuries, or doing humanitarian medical assistance missions. I also was in charge of gathering and submitting medical intelligence reports while we were stationed in Kuwait prior to crossing into the war in Iraq, which we were the first units to go in. I worked in the P.O.M.I. (Plans, Operations, Medical, Intelligence) office at the Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune, prior to being assigned as medical personnel to 2nd LAR 2nd MAR DIV (2nd LAR was attached as a military strategy to 1st MAR DIV going into Iraq). At any rate, just wanted to give some context, and went at a tangent, that the JWs (Jehovah's Witnesses) shun me out of the religion simply for being compassionate and having a sense of duty to serve the military and political interests of the United States, and I was going to say, that I imagine how badly or negatively, with probable paranoia, the Jehovah's Witnesses of Tennesse acted towards Christopher Meade when he was attending the JW Kingdom Hall (Church) meetings, because Chris greets people instead of hello or hi, usually by saying: "About Jesus Christ & Jehovah God!" But, JWs are paranoid and irrational zealots if a potential Bible student is talking about the illuminati, or other things that Chris talks about, like the KKK, celebrating holocaust, etcetera. He has associated with ignorant people (unfortunately his grandfather included, whom he loves so much) who are explicitly racist against black people, and Jews, etcetera, and he also grew up in small town Kentucky which is generally mainly whiteCaucasian, and places where mainly males are outspoken about being KKK fans. Of course, people, places, countries, churches, all things in life are relative, there are good and bad people everywhere on Earth. That is why I always rise my spirit above country, patriotism, and politics, because we are first and foremost human beings, and not the byproducts of the cultural, religious, or political psychological branding that irrational, willfully incompetent, or selfish human beings have done.
At any rate, Christopher is a good man, and he strives to be better, to increase his intellect, and to be orderly, respectful, and honorable, and he often mentioned those things himself to me, so it breaks my heart, because he is now emotionally/psychologically lost again, and he knows about this website too, he even told me several times that he knew that I was doing it because I knew what was best for him, but, even if he is not able to fully or properly understand the importance of me doing this advocacy work for him and others in similar situations, I am okay with him not wanting to talk to me, or feeling betrayed because I took him back to Athens (although I told him that it was temporary, and the money I was going to continue giving him), he altogether does not understand, but, I would be satisfied if the government agencies where he resides were doing the proper humanitarian work and care for citizens that they should be "legally" required to do. They cannot be throwing him out of shelters or government-sponsored food sources, because they get upset or frustrated with him. To that end, I am continuing my work, I already bought the domain WashingtonDC.work, wwww.ChiefJustice.services, and others, to create a website showing people how to bring governmental authorities into account. The founders of the US Constitution understood brightly early on the corruption nature of human beings, especially those exercising powerful political office or positions, and to that end, a process of "Checks & Balances" was created to make those political, economic, social leaders, and vast other factions, accountable for their actions, and the better work they are supposed to be doing to refine the socioeconomic fabric of a country, and the equal opportunity and well being of its citizens, but, also beyond that, the great responsibility that a leading nation has to alleviate the vicissitudes, ills, and shortcomings of humanity as a whole. "BECAUSE WE ARE A HUMAN BEING FIRST, AND AN AMERICAN LATER, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!"
And GOD'S KINGDON WILL COME, with human beings' approval or without it!"
Jesimiel Millar
Before you open your "WILLFULLY INCOMPETENT" mouth or mind to criticize or judge my life, works, or actions, "YOU BETTER LEARN TO KNOW WHAT IS THE FREAKING CRAP THAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!"
I have never and would never tell Christopher Meade to engage in nor contemplate any unlawful behavior, as a matter of fact, I teach him proper conduct, and things about the law that he does not understand. Yet, he has told me that even in the brief time that I took him back to Athens, TN this past month, that he had to sign four papers in the court and Sherifs Office about trespassing. Of course, given his mental disability, I have to take what he tell me with a grain of salt, and wait until I have the time and resources to pay different legal entities to co duct an investigation on the treatment and abuses of Americans with Disabilities like Christopher, in Athens, Tennesse, and in all other places where "INCOMPETENT" and "INHUMANE" police officers, courts, and other State agencies have abused and neglected him. I will use my money for millions of Americans to know about and be aware of such abuses and "CRIMINAL BEHAVIORS" on behalf of government officials and employees! I will lobby the White House in Washington, DC, I will walk infron of the U.S. Supreme Court with a big sign until Athens, TN and places like it get the political pressures and judicial sanctions and corrections that they need. I will send physical and electronic msil to all Newspapers and News Media in the entire United States, but, you will feel the force of having me as your adversary. When I defend somebody, or talk about something, or criticize actions, behaviors, or people, I assure you that I do not do it ignorantly as most of you do.
Do not underestimate me merely because I have chosen to live a simple life as a Commercial Truck Driver. I have a Bachelor of Criminal Justice from FIU, Miami, FL, and a Master degree in Higher Education Administration, which I finished with Honors. I was also a Doctoral student in Public Health online, which I chose to quit due to financial cost, and the amount of research needed for a doctoral program, which is highly inconvenient while driving throughout the US in a truck, but intellectually not a very demanding degree. I came to the USA at age 16, from Cuba, without speaking English, and started high school on 10th grade, by my senior year (12th grade) I had bypassed English Honors, and was placed in AP (Advanced Placement) English, which is college-level English while still a High School student, in one of the best public schools of the country at the time, Coral Gables Senior High. I also received the "Outstanding Citizenship Award" from the graduating class of 1995. In the military I always scored in the 99 percentile in every advancement cycle exam in the entire US Navy, competing against thousands of intelligent sailors in that ratings, the medical profession, meaning that I was always intellectually amongst their top performers. While assigned to the US Marines as a Naval Hospital Corpsman, when our unit (of 1 Medical Doctor, over 30 Navy medics, and over 1000 Marines) went through an annual inspection, I was the only medic, "Hospital Corpsman" to receive a "Certificate of Commendation" from the Marine Corps General, for both my medical administrative work and my improvements of patient care. Just a few pointers, that I am not somebody you will abused your powers against, or open that "willfully ignorant" dirty mouth of yours, without feeling the heat (figuratively/intellectually speaking).
Jesimiel Millar
(October 28th, 2024)
Corbin, Kentucky
I am a lover of peace, in fact, I chose not to go to law school because I hate having to argue with people, especially with those that while having the mental capacity to know what is right and what is wrong, selfishly seek to win cases or argumen5s merely to attain to fame, to retain corrupted power, to make lots of money, and other highly "dishnorable" judicial behaviors and even expectations that corrupt a l3gal system that claim to provide justice, fairness, and equal opportunity. LIES, LIES, ON TOP OF LIES! The United States judicial system is one where "money buys the illusion of justice", and quite blatanly the U.S. Government at all its levels, turns a blind eye to it, or quite cynically accepts such corruption of what is supposed to bejustice.
How can a so called "professional" of any kind, but especially those with judicial or legal powers or authority, in his or her right mind, possibly think that is is okay or acceptable to demand, force, or coerce a cognitively disabled or autistic person to sign a legal document that he or she cannot understand, the implications or effects of which he or she cannot mentally/cognitively understand. To me it is almost imcomprehensible that in this day and age of what humans claim to be a more civilized and fair nature, that so cynically and in such corrupt ways governments, institutions of higher learning, powerful private businesses, and other professionals can allow such a disregard for "honorable handling of justice matters".
Jesimiel Millar
(October 28th, 2024)
Farragut, Tennessee
..by God!"
"I have driven in many different cities in every State of the 48 contiguous States, and have found Iowa & Tennessee people to be amongst the most welcoming, nice, kind, respectful, and generous, thus, when I talk about this case of "CRIMINAL NEGLECT" taking place against my new good friend Christopher Brian Meade, on behalf of governmental and State-funded or State-affiliated agencies, whether those agencies be in the capacity of law enforcement, judicial system, healthcare and welfare agencies or facilities, State-funded schools, etcetera, I do so with the cognizance that similar situations as this, taking place in other cities or States, may and oftentimes are even worse, more despicable in nature, nevertheless, I find it to be an abominable "CRIME" to allow a person (or any human being for that matter) with known, evident, or proven cognitive challenges that are obviously in the category of "pronounced DISABILITY", to roam the streets HOMELESS, WITHOUT BEING ALLOWED BY THE LOCAL HOMELESS SHELTER, LODGES, ETCETERA TO EVEN TAKE A SHOWER. And, in spite of all such social EVIL rejection, "CRIMINAL NEGLECT", I have seen and helped financially homeless people I have come across all over the continental United States, and I have never seen anyone living HOMELESS, carrying two big bags around, all day, every day, for years now, and looking so clean, nicely dressed, taking so much pride in being clean, as Christopher Meade. Because in the span of these three weeks of knowing him, I have spent on him $4,500 of the $5,000 I had in my life (in liquid/ready form), to treat him with the full attention & human dignity that he deserves, knowing quite well myself that he is unable to financially repay me, and knowing that he does not understand properly concepts of money & finances the same way that the average person does ("and please note that even "UNDERAGE" teenagers know cognitively much better than Chris concepts of finance, behavior, etcetera"), he now tells me less frequently that "he does not want to get in trouble", "or telling me "I need your help" when I try to show him tasks such as giving him money and telling him to give it to the Walmart staff to refill the GreenDot refillable debit card that I got for him to buy food, or other things he may need. One day after I met with him after getting him the debit card, he asked me: "Jesi, WHAT IS A DEBIT CARD". He did not know! I assume that maybe at one point, in one of those instances when the cashier or the machine asks to click wether the card is a credit card or a debit card, he may had not known how to answer the question. Which brings me to his next cognitive disability, and which oftentimes frustrates cashiers, and most people that interact with him, which is that he often says/replies with: "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION!" That is his reply to even very basic questions, and at other times when he does answer the question, it is not in a "cognitively sound" or rational way as the average person can. He does not do drugs, nor is an alcoholic, and does not smoke cigarettes, although he does chew tobacco products sometimes, or those new vape products on the market these days. But, if his cognitive challenges/disability and austistic-like behaviors are in fact from an early age, then the few bad habits that he has are more than likely the result of him being homeless, being surrounded or abused, taken advantage of by thugs, criminals, and the like people with very unscrupulous attitudes, behaviors, habits, & tendencies. But, I know that his grandparents, "Grandpa Andy" & "Grandma Jenny" did a decent job job taking care of him, and probably hiss relatives in Kentucky when they were taking care of him, because he even would never wear his shirt without tucking it "in" under his pants, because as he mentions: "Grandma Jenny would not allow him to be dressed without having his shirt "tucked in!" He also tells me how honorable and a good grandfather "Granpa Andy" was to him! Although he has opened up and partially discussed with me part of the reasons why his Grandma Jenny is in a nursing home, he calls her and talks to her occassionally, sometimes while I had been present, and I talked to her briefly in one of those occasions myself. His grandparents' house was in Chattanooga, where for years he was homeless, rejected, being called names, attacked by criminals & thugs, falling off the side of bridges, having criminals shoot guns over his head, etcetera, etcetera, and "I BLAME AND FIND THE LOCAL & STATE AUTHORITIES TO BE CRIMINALLY LIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE PAIN AND SUFFERING THAT HE HAS ENDURED, AND CONTINUES TO ENDURE AT PRESENT!"
Yes, it is true that in Athens, Tennessee there is less crime, that the police know him and his situation more thoroughly, that Joyce from the Children Services Office is very caring towards him, gives him water, and other support, as does too Amanda from the District Attorneys Office, and William ("Bill") Buckley an attorney with an office in downtown Athens gives him food sometimes, as do other professionals, however, he generally stays in an emergency exit dungeon down the stairs on the side of a building (the local newspaper bldg), a very inhumane kind of treatment, that turns my heart into pieces every time I help him to carry his bags down there. And, that is a relatively safe place for him to sleep, yet VERY INHUMANE, CRIMINIAL nonetheless. And if in the near future I find out from the justice system that he has a "criminal" record (especially because not even having a place to sleep and sleeping on the wrong porch can be a criminal offense for trespassing, etcetera), and that such a record is not "sealed" and "unaccessible" by the public, just as the criminal record of a minor/juvenile is only available to the justice system, then it will be like adding oil to a burning fire that is already very strong in my spirit, towards a "WILLFULLY INCOMPETENT, CRIMINAL, & NEGLECTING" government, judicial system, healthcare system, welfare system, etcetera, that chooses to "IGNORE" the sensitive nature of letting a mentally disabled person live homeless, denied food and even showers, and surrounded or at the mercy of criminal wolves, evil thugs, a very crooked, wilfully ignorant public in general. Somebody that is "not employable", is quite kind and honorable, yet is able to keenly perceive the rejection of others towards him, the instant evil faces and ill treatment that they give to him. Even the small town transportation system in their freaking laziness, and lack of competence by choice, are too bothered because he has to take the bus with his two bags, every day.
"I have been facing injustices all my life, and I as many other common people either turn the other cheek, or ignore bad attitudes, or don't waste my time taking people to court, however, "THE LAWS OF ANY COUNTRY, SOCIETY, CIVILIZATION, OR EDUCATED PEOPLE, ARE ONLY AS GOOD AS THOSE WHO/THAT MAKE THEM", and it is very few the people that have a truly heightened sense of justice and compassion, to feel an impending need to fight for those that cannot or are not able to do it for themselves! Because most of you human beings are quite selfish, crooked, irrational, emotionally imbalanced, calling those that ask you to be fair and just, "sociopaths", when in fact you fit such evil definitions more readily than the ones that you erroneously misjudge & throw stones at! ONLY GOD & HEAVEN CAN PROPERLY JUDGE & PUNISH YOU HUMANS, BRING YOU TO FULL ACCOUNTING, but, my fight against your evil & against your crooked injustices, is a simple matter of dealing with my own clear conscience, in which latter COMPASSION, TRUE LOVE, MERCY, JUSTICE, EQUALITY, FAIR OPPORTUNITY, & A PROGRESSIVE REFINED HUMANITY take an immensily paramount significant role!"
☆August 11th, 2024☆
I accept that the great majority of any population anywhere on Earth does not have the utmost ability for great introspection, heightened sense of perception, and/or critical thinking! A very small percentage of humans fall within the categories of Einstein's intelligence, and even many of those with relatively proven high intellectual caliber, like engineers, judges, etcetera, oftentimes get so lost in their lust for wealth and "social acceptance" that they easily loose perspective about what matters most: "The individual & overall condition of humanity!" Fortunately though, God in His-Her (Genesis 1:27) great mercy has gifted human beings with the usage of "wisdom", which generally emanates primarily from a person's good instincts, from a mind that seeks to do good to others, and similar spiritually worthy qualities/fruitage. Thus, even when intellectually or academically a person is not or cannot be a high achiever, or is not highly-competitive cognitively, he or she can still be a well-balanced, fair, just, compassionate, and genuinely loving human being! Interestingly, the human beings with the most value to God are not the intellectual elites, but those exercising or putting forth in their behaviors, attitudes, and interactions the greatest wisdom. And even cognitively challenged individuals can have very heightened senses or instincts about fair treatment, love, kindness, and compassion.
One of the main social detriments of humanity, is their badly skewed observations and conclusions of or about other human beings at "face-value". For instance, Christopher Meade, my homeless friend living in the mid-size town of Athens, Tennessee, walks around town with his two big bags, and although he does not post himself asking for monetary help on the corner of streets, which sadly many others do out of desperation, Chris still has similar needs, but in still heart-breaking more innocent ways he may go ask Amanda from the District Attorneys Office for help, because she has always been so kind, helpful, and welcoming towards him, or he asks Joyce from Children Services, or Bill Buckley an attorney that according to Chris "gives him food and water out of his car", and other kind professionals, businessowners, and the like people that have relative compassion and somewhat understand his condition or living situation. However, the great majority of people albeit somewhat nice, can be quite cruel & ignorant towards people like Chris, even though he is generally well behaved, very nice and kind to both men and women, not afraid to give somebody a hug, or pad the top of his or her head, but, from taking him to many restaurants in town (Athens, TN), and from walking with him around downtown, like good friends or family walking downtown, I easily perceive how bad some ignorant people treat individuals like him, and people like me by proxy associating with him. To put things in a more clear context, I will tell you that most of my life people of any race, walk of society, or place have been very welcoming to me, perhaps because of my professional, kind, respectful, understanding demeanor towards others, but generally very good social feedback from others, thus, by associating with Christopher in public places, the difference in treatment that I notice both towards him individually, and towards both of us, is quite remarkable & pronounced from a human behavior standpoint. EXTREMELY SAD & UNACCEPTABLE THAT HUMAN BEINGS CAN BE SO WILLFULLY MEDIOCRE & INCOMPETENT/IGNORANT IN THEIR SOCIAL DEALINGS WITH OTHERS!
Thus, imagine how difficult it must be for somebody like Chris to have to go through life dealing with so many crooked & evil human beings in this world! That is probably why when you ask him if he is homeless, his reply always is: "I HAVE A GOOD LIFE!" At one point I thought that perhaps a social worker or another concerned person about his living situation taught him to say that in order to minimize the risk of predators or criminals taking unfair advantage of him, however, it is also possible that in order for him to not be overly depressed, as a mental and emotional survival instinct, he tells himself and others that he is living a good life, and to me THAT IS UTTERLY HEART BRAKING!
I took him to Bealls to shop in Athens, and while we were waiting in line to pay, he shouted to one of the young chashiers: "I AM NOT A DOG, DO NOT BE LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT, LIKE I'M A DOG!" Because as I witnessed myself, she was indeed "killing him" with her eyes and looks! AND IGNORANT PIECES OF HUMAN CRAP LIKE HER ARE THE RULE, NOT THE EXCEPTION, UNFORTUNATELY! So if he reacts like that on some occasions to the "UNFAIR/UNJUST" ILL TREATMENT OF OTHERS, those very "GREATLY IGNORANT" people may feel a sense of "self-righteousness" in thinking that Chris is disrespectful, "loud", misbehaved, or even violent, but, he is none of those things without ample good reason! HE IS NOT THE PROBLEM, MOST OF YOU ARE! THAT IS WHY GOD NEEDS TO AND WILL BRING AN ARMAGEDDON UPON THIS EARTH, BECAUSE YOU ARE UNDESERVING OF THE WORLD THAT YOU LIVE IN, THE BALANCE OF WHICH SELFISH ANGELS TURNED EVIL DEMONS SUCH AS SATAN THE DEVIL DISRUPTED AND DAMAGED, AFTER JEHOVAH GOD WITH SO MUCH LOVE LET HUMANS LIVE IN IT!
And, I blame churches, governments, legal authorities, educational and social institutions, and wealthy businesses or entities, for allowing people like Chris to be abused and marginalized, sometimes killed because of the "CRIMINAL NEGLECT" which is both preventable and unacceptable both in the United States of America, and anywhere else in the world."
☆August 12th, 2024☆
"I, Jesimiel Millar (a.k.a. "Jesimiel Heavens") will begin creating the frameworks on how to hold local police departments, courts, District Attorneys, City & State Judges, and pertinent State Agencies (at the Local and/or State level) accountable for the "Criminal Neglect" that they show to "mentally &/or physically disabled individuals" who either due to lack of cognitive ability, and/or homelessness, oftentimes with even absent social security or food allowance benefits, cannot functionally nor in viable ways defend themselves against such human rights "constitutional violations", whereupon the "Americans with Disabilities Act" is also being violated, in horredous ways. IT IS CRUEL, IT IS INHUMANE, IT IS EVIL, to expect disabled individuals to behave as "average law-abiding citizens", especially it is almost incomprehensible to me that Christopher Brian Meade's cognitive disability being as obvious as it is, that "INCOMPETENT/CRIMINAL" JUDICIAL SYSTEMS would and have placed Christopher Meade in judicial probation, as if he had a cognitive/mental competency level capable of functionally understanding the contextual needs for such a judicial requirement or demand, and even less the functional ability to properly comply with such. Upon a basic online Google search, I saw at least two images of the mugshot arrest of Christopher Meade in Chattanooga, TN and another Tennessee town/city, with also descriptions or details about the circumstances or reasons leading to the arrest. I know this much, that if the court irresponsibly did not provide Christopher Meade (whether the reason be lack of court/judicial financial resources, etcetera) with the proper "professional" direct supervision to ascertain his compliance with judicial reporting or appearance in court as requested or required, that the court itself is and should with the greatest certainty be found guilty of "Criminal Neglect" and be relieved accordingly from their judicial posts and/or responsibilities, or permanently suspended until they individually and collectively have made the necessary corrections both on their own professional negligent behaviors or actions, as well as those of the system that they represent or work for, and have with equal importance corrected the civic, legal, & emotional damage that they have caused to those disabled individuals that while charged with unlawful behaviors or crimes, have been denied the purview and rights accorded to them as disabled individuals. And in the case of Christopher Meade, to whom at present at least half my income is being devoted to, for his care as I am able to with limited financial resources, time or opportunity, shall obtain any any financial restitution or compensations for the "HARASSMENTS, ABUSE, & CRIMINAL NEGLECT" of all pertinent parties in the judicial system that has dealt with him, a third party, whether it be a human rights, social worker, non-profit, assigned attorney or other legal entity should handle such financial awards for his ongoing care and supervision, as it should be expected of any HONORABLE, FAIR, & JUST GOVERMENT ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHOULD DO FOR EACH OF ITS CITIZENS, BUT, ESPECIALLY MORE SO TOWARDS THE MOST VULNERABLE CITIZENS/RESIDENTS, OR CONSTITUENTS OF OUR AMERICAN SOCIETY, SUCH AS CHILDREN, THE MENTALLY AND/OR PHYSICALLY DISABLED, & THE ELDERLY, REGARDLESS OF THEIR PAST, ACTIONS, CRIMES, OR VIOLATIONS, WHICH ARE OFTENTIMES THE DIRECT RESULT OF SUCH A CRUEL, CRIMINAL, AND NEGLECTING JUDICIAL & SOCIAL SYSTEM, WHICH FLAWS IN PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT, OR LACK THEROF, OFTENTIMES CAUSE IRREPARABLE DAMAGE, WHETHER IT BE THAT SUCH VICTIMS LOOSE THEIR LIVES DUE TO PREVENTABLE VIOLENCE OR CRIMES, SUICIDE DUE TO THE ABUSE & NEGLECT ON BEHALF OF THE COURTS AND OF SOCIETY, OR LIVE SUBHUMAN STANDARD LIVES, EXPERIENCING EASILY PREVENTABLE HEALTH ISSUES, HARASSMENT OF THE POLICE, AND EVEN STARVATION, WHEN UNABLE TO FIND FOOD IN TRASH CANS OR COMMERCIAL DUMSTERS. IF THAT IS HAPPENING IN THE SO CALLED "LEADER OF THE WORLD" IN HUMAN RIGHTS & CIVIC FREEDOMS, IN THE "LAND OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES", WHAT CAN WE AS CONCERN HUMAN BEINGS EXPECT OF THE REST OF THE WORLD!"
For I am a firm believer that God and all of Heaven is watching, and human beings will not get away with their crimes against humanity forever, and all previous acts will be brought to divine accounting & judgment, even if it takes the resurrection of the dead.
For the Universe Has a Perfect Memory!
Jesimiel Heavens
Methuen, Massachussets
Before I begin writing a few paragraphs on the title above, let me caution you as a perceptive or intellectually self-aware reader, that we live in a world that is highly imperfect, with human beings taking a keen role in such a convoluted & crooked imperfection, thus, based on the "intelligence" or "mental prowess" angle/s alone, it is a sad "FACTUAL" reality that the police officers, detectives, lawyers, and oftentimes even judges dictating, formulating, creating laws, and handing down punishments or sentences on criminal cases, may not and oftentimes are not of the "intellectual/mental" caliber of top of the line behavioral scientists, engineers, and the like of thinkers, whom latter even if oftentimes may be questionable on the "emotional intelligence" curves, spectrums, or paradigms, at least have enough proven critical thinking able to properly find if a situation, case, or context under debate, question, or analysis is really true or not, valid or otherwise, etcetera. Yet, in all fairness, there are professionals within the justice system that do have high intellectual, inferential, deduction, perceptive abilities, however, generally they do not do enough to help as much as they could. And to that latter I also add the cognizance on my part, that it is a very daunting and emotionally hard task to work within the justice system, in a very criminal world, where oftentimes good-intended people or professionals become cynics in order to be able to put up with so much dysfunction without going crazy! Therefore, due to "PRACTICAL" constraints of having limited access to high-caliber minds/intellects to analyze cases in the justice systems or pertaining to law and/or policy, courts are left with having to rely on "professionals" and the like, whom do not yield the most fair, equal, or just result to criminal cases or matter of the law. Another element making the matters of dictating/applying justice worse, are "FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS" to properly investigating cases, in order to arrive at what is "TRULY JUST, FAIR, & BALANCED", and that rarely happens.
I know that beyound doubt and with full mental clarity and awareness to be "THE TRUTH", and the main problem with human beings is that they do not undersrand or fail to accept that in a similar way in which there are echelons of anything else in life, intelligence has one too, albeit relative in its general force & value, however, the great majority of humans are severe hypocrites, who care more than and give in to social pressures more than "HONORING WHAT IS TRUE & JUST"! For instance, business people, politicians, lawyers, etcetera, even individual private persons may go out of their way to charge somebody with "reputation damage" and the like, which they would try to prove and contend that it hurts their career, financial status, personal & business relationships, etcetera, and oftentimes use money, power, influence in crooked and even secret illegal ways to win their cases in court. This world is plagued with it, YOU KNOW IT, and then in your "willful incompetence", fail to not give people the "benefit of the doubt" when accused of a crime or accused of anything else really, and fail to also keep an openly aware mind, with cautious judging of others when you hear or find out about those "PROVEN GUILTY" in courts of law, because as much as INJUSTICES have plagued this world, humanity historically in so called "justice systems", vast injustices still abound today, every day, every minute of the day, and most of you humans choose to mischaracterize & misjudge others, when either you have no means to know the "real truth", or by failing to accept how hypocritical, crooked, dysfunctional, passive aggressive, wrongfuly aggressive, narcissistic, etcetera human beings are. Thus, "TRUE & FAIR JUSTICE IS ULTIMATELY SOMETHING THAT ONLY JEHOVAH GOD & HEAVEN CAN GRANT"!"
10AM - 10:44AM
☆Vicinity of Alma, Arkansas☆
☆ Here is a VERY CLEAR BOTTOM LINE for you:
● "The very moment in which each party (accuser & accused, plaintiff or the other, etc.) in a legal case, but in particular in a democratic system with an adversarial type of system, as that of the United States, is not afforded the same, equal, or highly accounted for and scrutinized similar financial, influential, power sources to arrive at the most fair & equitable rendering of "JUSTICE", then it is very evident from a divine perspective, that you, as a so called "SYSTEM OF JUSTICE", is "COMMITTING INJUSTICE FROM THE GET GO", which from a divine perspective makes you even a "WORSE CRIMINAL" than the ones that you are trying to and do judge and punish! The fact that you get away with it as "legal professionals", as a "court system" and the like, does not make it any less true that it is "AN UNFAIR & CRIMINAL SYSTEM IN ITSELF" the one creating and applying "THE LAW"!"
☆Visiting my Homeless Friend Christopher!☆
July 26th, 2024
For those of you countries or people(s) that live outside of the United States of America, do not imagine for one second that you will be exempt from God's Judgement! I am at present only, or primarily, focusing on the socio-economic & humanitarian issues that people face in the USA, because it is where I live/reside. However, there is plenty of evil, badness, crookedness, etcetera going on in every place on Earth. Thus, please heed the divine teachings of past prophets such as Jesus Christ, and others of different faiths & backgrounds, that the Most High/Almighty God will judge humanity sooner or later, both collectively & individually!
Jesimiel Heavens
(July 24th, 2024)
☆Chris & Jesi☆
☆Visiting my Homeless Friend Christopher!☆
July 26th, 2024
☆ I met Christopher Meade when I was visiting Athens, Tennessee while I was going to visit an antique store there. As I pass Madison and Church street, I turn onto Washington Avenue, close to Johnson Furniture, and he was sitting on a bench outside a boutique, with two big bags on the floor, homeless!☆
☆Visiting my Homeless Friend Christopher!☆
July 26th, 2024
TikTok: JesimielHeavens5
You human beings, and Satan the Devil, with the demons amongst you, think in your highly diluted minds that Jehovah God has forgotten about the fact that you "murdered" His beloved Jesus Christ, and somehow imagine that He will not punish humanity, because it has been 2000 years already, but, "YOU HAVE NEVER READ THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE"? 1000 years are like 1 day to Jehovah God. You have enjoyed more technological & scientific advances in the past few hundred years, than humanity has known or enjoyed through the many thousands of life in human history. And Jehovah God has allowed you to see in part the potential for creativity that He gifted humans with, more than any other species of this planet, making you in the image of Heaven, while due to imperfection greatly limited in your spiritual & mental abilities. But, before I go on what I was going to say in response to those of you that "ignorantly" make conclusions about Christopher Meade, whom does not have the mental abilities or capability to defend himself against evil mouths and wicked hearts like yours, but also because you do similar things towards homeless people everywhere, while you are the ones that should be burning in hell & gehenna, along with your children, most of which turn out to be evil serpents like you, hear this: "CHRISTOPHER IS BETTER THAN MOST OF YOU COMBINED!"
July 29th, 2024
In the very short amount of time that Christopher has known me, he already considers me his friend, and it could be in part because I have helped him more than others have, and because from the very start, I came across to him, to his cognitive mind, as someone kind, nice, welcoming, so he trusted me right away. But, you ignorant humans, even so called "scientists" still know very little about the human mind, and vastly less about the spirit/soul that keeps you alive! With that said, sometimes autistic, down syndrome people, or other mentally challenged individuals with similar conditions may have a highly sensitive "6th sense", or "empathetic", or "telepathically spiritual" ability that in certain instances lets them know about dangerous people, or about evil much easier than the typical so called "normal" person, which latter by the way is a convoluted way for you evil and highly imperfect humans to rationalize your imperfections the best way that befits your desires, while the fact that you create such dilussional "perceptual standards" of reality, does not detract from the "REAL TRUTH", that all human beings are "DYSFUNCTIONAL", HIGHLY IMPERFECT, & MENTALLY HANDICAPPED from a divine, or heavenly perspective!
With that said, when someone asks Christopher: "How are you?" And one of his ways to reply is: "WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU!" That is something that people with a mental cognitive disability have learned from other adults, if they have had that mental condition all their lives, or it is something that he or she recalls from earlier years if the cognitive deficiency or disability was the result of an accident or injury. Therefore, when some of you "dare" to call him ("Chris") a "MALE PROSTITUTE", because he is homeless & answers a greeting or a random question sometimes that way, then what if God allows criminals to cut off or rip apart the head of your children, or cut them in pieces like was done to Jimmy Rice, either by criminals or mentally disabled human beings that have not been properly taken care of, nor by the State, nor local authorities, nor by fellow citizens or human beings period? I personally do not engage in physical fights, forgive people very easily, because I firmly believe that only Jehovah God and perfect divine beings have authority to punish in severe ways an imperfect human being. However, when you unjustly & willingly ignorantly throw stones at others (while you are great sinners yourselves), and misjudge them, especially those not able to fight back or effevtively defend themselves, then I will wish that your children's heads are cut off and given to the wild beasts to feed on!"
Yet, what happens when it comes to me, is that I understand that children are not responsible for, nor should be punished for the sins of their parents, or of adults period. Thus, I tell Jehovah God: "I will dismiss the fact that there are so many evil and crooked human pigs in this world, with vile tongues, full of ignorance, but, I know that You & Heaven will punish them accordingly.
But in Heaven's Judgement you may not be as fortunate!
July 29th, 2024
Now, many of you say to all this: "IGNORE HIM (ME)!" or "IGNORE THEM!" Well, it is precisely because of people like you, "THE ONES CHOOSING "TO IGNORE" THE INJUSTICES TAKING PLACE ON EARTH, OR DONE AGAINST OTHERS, BUT MORE SO THE ONES DONE AGAINST CHILDREN, AGAINST THOSE MENTALLY DISABLED, AGAINST THE ELDERLY, THE SICK, THE WEAK, ETCETERA", that this evil & crooked world full of evil humans and evil demons is going to get AN ARMAGEDDON, AN APOCALYPSE!!! Because you are like those that throw stones at the so called "immoralities" of others, while your "moral compasses" in general are much worse, more criminal, vastly more evil. YOUR NICE HOUSES, THE "GOOD" (NOT REALLY) EDUCATION OF YOUR CHILDREN, YOUR NICE CARS & BANK ACCOUNTS, OR MERELY YOUR "NICE" SOCIAL NETWORKS, RELIGIONS, CITIES, GOVERNMENTS, COUNTRIES, ETCETERA, WILL NOT SAVE FROM JEHOVAH GOD & HEAVEN'S JUDGMENTS AGAINST YOU, AGAINST HUMANITY, & AGAINST SATAN THE DEVIL & HER DEMONS!"
Capiche All Humans!
Jesimiel Heavens
July 29th, 2024
"And even the times that I do choose to hang out, associate with, eat with, socialize with, make love with if I choose to, a prostitute, a repentant tax collector, a repentant criminal, etcetera, that is my choice, and being good to other people is not punished by God, nor by Divine Supreme Courts of the Universe! For as the Holy Christian Bible (because the Kuran/Quran, etc, have Holy teachings as well!) teaches you, "even evil serpents know how to give good things to their children", and I mention that all beings were made good by God, and even when a being via free will may make wrong choices, irrespective on which existence or life they happen to take place, you are not entitled to throw stones at others ignorantly without knowing what God & Heaven know about them, or about whom they are! AND I TELL YOU RIGHT NOW: "NO IMPERFECT HUMAN BEING KNOWS ALL THE SECRETS OF ANOTHER PERSON, NOR WHAT THAT PERSON MEANS, OR HIS OR HER SIGNIFICANCE TO HEAVEN", therefore, if you were truly intelligent, wise, prudent, and careful human beings, you would tread a lot more cautiously before you ignorantly misjudge others better than you, or throw stones at them, or punish them in the many vast ways that you evil & crooked human beings use against each other! "BECAUSE IN HEAVEN COURTS, WHERE ALL OF YOU WILL INEVITABLY GO, "INDIVIDUALLY", YOU WILL NOT BUY, COERCE, NOR MANIPULATE YOUR WAY OUT OF "PERFECT" JUDGMENT DONE AGAINST YOU!"
July 29th, 2024
Here is the "REAL" SHAME ON YOU:
You dysfunctionally & selfishly care more about your children than you do about the children of a stranger! Your psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists, & other professionals tell you that such abnormal/dysfunctional behaviors are "NORMAL", but from a higher cognitive, intellectual, and overall spiritual perspective, "IT IS VERY DYSFUNCTIONAL & ABNORMAL FOR YOU NOT TO CARE ABOUT "ALL HUMAN BEINGS EQUALLY"! That is why this wicked world is in the state of deterioration that it is! Simply because you "refuse" to hear "THE TRUTH"!
It is of no concern to Jehovah God, to Heaven, if human beings walk around naked, or like gold, precious stones, big houses, or lots of cool technology, jewelry, etcetera! What is bad is liking any of those things more than you love God, than you love mercy & compassion, "the fruitage of the spirit" in general, and other good qualities!
Jesimiel Heavens
July 29th, 2024
The only reason why the Athens, Tennessee police cannot arrest or if arrested cannot keep Christopher Meade in jail, "for being homeless", is because of his mental disability, yet, the police knowing that, the Court System & Judges knowing that, they do not do what is necessary to allocate the necessary community or State resources to help house Christopher, and provide his regular intervals lifelong independent living supervision. To me IT IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION, HOW "OFFICIAL AUTHORITIES" CAN ALLOW AN ADULT WITH A MENTAL/COGNITIVE DISABILITY WITH SAME "PRIORITY LEVEL" AS A HOMELESS CHILD, TO LIVE ON THE STREETS, NOT KNOWING HOW TO OBTAIN FOOD, BEGGING TO, OR "INNOCENTLY" ASKING CHURCHES: "PLEASE FEED ME"! When he has told me those stories, it is like somebody is scratching my heart with steel claws. And those churches take him out of church even when he is literally starving, and lock the door behind him. Restaurants kick him out and are "mean to him", as he relates to me, only for asking for some water! While the homeless lodge does not allow him to take showers there because in their evil & unacceptable "WILLFUL INCOMPETENCE" they chose not to understand that they cannot treat somebody with Down Syndrome or with a mental/cognitive disability, the same way that they treat a regular adult, of average cognitive minds. While, in the meantime, the police harasses him telling him: "CONSIDER YOURSELF BANNED from camping here!" And because Chris cannot comprehend, nor reason properly, he just leaves all his things there, and has no other personal things, because those PIGS HUMAN POLICE PIECES OF CRAP DO NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT CHRIS' MENTAL DISABILITY, LACK COMPASSION, ARE ROCKS WITHOUT EMPATHY!" YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO LIVE IN THIS PLANET THAT GOD WITH SO MUCH LOVE CREATED! YOU EVIL HUMANS NEED TO GET THE ARMAGEDDON THAT THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE TALKS ABOUT!"
"But, in all fairness, from having conversations with Christopher, he has told me that "Officer Hawkins" (a police officer in Athens, TN) is very nice him. Chris says that sometimes he has been drilling (a military term for marching in an orderly way) at night for eight hours on the sidewalk, and Officer Hawkins checks on him to make sure that everything is alright!"
☆ You so called "CHRISTIANS" are a bunch of "HYPOCRITES, LIERS, EVIL-DOERS, LACKING COMPASSION", just like Jesus Christ told the people of that generation about (2024) two thousand years ago! Again, as I have said in many platforms and different mediums for many years: "Churches (that includes the Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Halls too!) are merely a function of "social" gatherings, to try to find your children friends, possible wives & husbands, or for your own selves, and for a vast number of other very mundane and narcissistic desires and goals, however, the faith that you profess to have on the Holy Christian Bible is primarily & merely a function of face-value hypocrisy, where you do as your parents, relatives, friends, or preachers tell you to do, all of which create a very type of "dysfunctional psychological agency" on your minds, on your subconscious self & decision-making processes, which incline you to give priority to those "dysfunctional social bonds & relationships" that you have created, or been raised around/familiar with; however, your relationship with God, or Jehovah God, is not as close nor personal as you claim or imagine it to be! Because you are similar to the Scribes & Pharisees of Jesus Christ's time: "You profess or claim that you know the Holy Teachings or Christian Scriptures so well, but, in fact you don't! YOU LACK ENOUGH COMPASSION TOWARDS OTHER HUMAN BEINGS IN GENERAL, YOU FORGET IN YOUR WILLFUL INCOMPETENT MINDS, THAT TO GOD & TO HEAVEN EACH HUMAN LIFE HAS TO BE GIVEN AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR LOVE, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS, MERCY, ETCETERA, AND NOT ONLY OR IN SUCH AN IMBALANCED WAY, PRIMARILY TO YOUR CHILDREN! You each say that you are the true religion, or believe as absolute "truth" the lies and misinterpretations of the Bible that your priests, Elders, etcetera teach you! Religions instill psychological "FEAR" on their respective members that talking against them or their religion is "apostasy against God", but, it is al "A BUNCH OF LIES"! YOU ARE THE CROOKED APOSTATES THAT DO NOT REALLY KNOW GOD! YOU ARE THE GREATEST HYPOCRITES!" And, to that I sm not at the moment even discussing the many major religions that at present are ruled by demons pretending to be "HOLY APPOINTED CHRISTIANS", and other crooked political/secular governments that have made of religion some of this world's greatest kept & guarded secrets, because it is a "silent" fortune maker, the basis for also the most secretive "plausible deniability" that any country, government, wealthy business, etcetera has, much greater in "plausible deniabiability" than the "official" intelligence agencies that all countries have, which have made it an "accepted standard of both behavior & expectations" to live life Ina "DOUBLE-STANDARD" HYPOCRISY reality, having "illegal" black ops against other governments, using coercion, lies, psychological warfare, and manipulation, including murder of course, as both an expected and "required" function of their operations. All that religions also have in them, as shells or fronts for more mundane and macabre means and ends. Yet, most of you "HYPOCRITES" with enough mental capacity but choosing to be "ignorant", choose to ignore "THE TRUTH", or altogether allow others to lie to you or manipulate you too easily.
Jehovah God has given you more ample room for changing than you crooked humans deserve, & at this point Armageddon is inevitable!"
Jesimiel Heavens
(August 5th, 2024, 3:30 AM)
"In all fairness some people do try to help sometimes. Chris told me today today to protect Pastor Billy Burton of Athens, TN, because he (Billy) is good to him!"
(August 8th, 2024)
"I do not feel "ENTITLED", but, most of you think that "YOU ARE ENTITLED"! Those of you in particular that are so called "PROFESSIONALS", or the ones that inherited houses, businesses, wealth, or other material things. Or the ones that because they have worked hard in whichever job, and have attained to either financial success or life comforts, or both, you think that you are "ENTITLED" to "MISJUDGE" the lives of others, but more unjustly so, the lives of homeless people, or of those very poor! Most of you have very or highly convoluted ways of "normalizing" the dysfunctions that define the lives you live, to include the social or economic parameters thereof. Meaning that you have created greatly "dysfunctional" standards of justice and of human behaviors. From the lenses of the highly dysfunctional lives that human beings live, "you think that you are "NORMAL", but "YOU REALLY ARE NOT!" Those very psychologists, psychiatrists, social and/or behavioral scientists, teachers/professors, religious leaders, etcetera that attempt to and oftentimes "officially" define the constructs & parameters of human behavior, generally are very dysfunctional themselves. So we as an imperfect human race are left with the very sad reality of having "CRIMINALS" defining the law (e.g. "Do you recall when owning black human beings as slaves by white people was "LEGAL" not too long ago?"), dysfunctional "professionals" coining & making official the "normal" parameters of behavior. And very hypocritical, lying, & crooked religious people dictating codes of conduct and of social obstracizing, which as in the case of crooked Jehovah's Witnesses for example, can and do lead many people to suicide. BECAUSE MOST OF YOU HUMANS ARE PIECES OF CRAP, & DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH PASSION TO CONFRONT SUCH EVILS, NOR ENOUGH COURAGE TO TELL THE TRUTH FOR FEAR OF PUNISHMENTS, OR OF LOOSING MATERIAL COMFORTS!
The fact of the matter is, from a divine heavenly perspective, that the spiritual conjunctions of your imperfect human intellects with your hierarchy of needs (similar to those theorized by Maslow), whether such needs be of a physical or emotional/mental nature, is greatly flawed, and most of you humans refuse to understand such higher forms of wisdom & of spiritual enlightment, even though most of you do have the cognitive abilities to understand what is going on, albeit imperfect. The fact of the matter is that imperfection & perfection inevitably meet at one point in the spectrum of existence that God Created for beings in the Universe, for His creations, and yet imperfect human beings while having been gifted with many heaven-like qualities & abilities vis-a-vis their free will, choose (and I reiterate: "willingly") to exist & function in an area of the spectrum where imperfection reigns quite far away from perfection. And in this convoluted "normalizations" that you erroneously define & make "official", socioeconomic injustices are rampant, and many or most of you think of yourselves as friends of God, or knowing about God & Heaven, when you live oblivious to the "REAL TRUTH": "THAT YOU HAVE IN VERY CROOKED & DYSFUNCTIONAL WAYS "NORMALIZED" THE STANDARDS OF BEHAVIORS AND OF JUSTICE (INJUSTICE) THAT CURRENTLY PLAGUE THIS WORLD WITH AN ENVIRONMENTAL, SPIRITUAL, & HUMANITARIAN CRISIS!"
But, Jehovah God's Judgment comes sooner or later, similar to that movie of Nicolas Cage "Knowing", but, of course, that is Hollywood, not quite like that, maybe worse!"
Jesimiel Heavens
(August 6th, 2024)
Some people in the community do treat him nicely, with dignity. Per Christopher Meade:
☆ HELEN ROSS (a Psychiatrist. Chris also texted me medical discharge documents with her name as the discharging doctor)
☆ BILLY BURTON (a Church Pastor)
☆ HAWKINGS (a Police Officer)
☆ WILLIAM "BILL" BUCKLEY (a downtown Attorney)
☆ LISA (a downtown Store Owner/Manager)
☆ JOYCE (works at Dpt of Children Svcs)
☆ AMANDA COOLEY (works at District Attorney's Office)
"To a certain extent, I realize that both employees and customers alike may be confronted with a difficult situation when it comes to Christopher and his "special needs", because at first glance he simply does not come across as someone that has such needs, but, he does, and that is why local, State, & Federal authorities need to be charged with "CRIMINAL NEGLECT" when it comes to him & people with similar mental conditions as him.
Lets briefly consider a business situation, which I have already witnessed several times when it comes to Christopher:
If he approaches an employee with a question, or the employee approaches him, or even simply asks him a question, right at the moment that they both interact, if he does not understand a simple question, he gets confused, & that in turn confuses the employee, which more often than not (the staff) reacts very negatively to the situation. Even in all areas of the medical field there are many incompetent staff that does not know how to deal with autistic people that physically look as if they do not have those problems, thus, imagine how much more ignorant the rest of the world is in dealing with people with special needs like Christopher. Thus, the very serious issue that I have with official authorities, is THEIR WILLFUL "CRIMINAL NEGLECT" towards people like Christopher, in letting him be homeless, and even allowing government-funded entities to not feed him nor allowing him to take showers in their facilities, when in their ignorance, and lack of proper professional training, treat people of special needs like Christopher, as the average person with cognitive abilities capable of rationalizing simple day to day functions and/or behaviors. What that means is, that when "willfully incompetent" & "irresponsibly badly/poorly trained" employees in facilities that are funded by tax-dollars, "BAN" a person with special needs "medically evident" upon brief interactions with him, expecting to understand, remember, and follow the norms & behaviors that the average person can follow, and as a result throw him out as a piece of unfeeling metal, rock, or wood, less worthy of proper care than even a god, then until God punishes this crooked & evil world, I expect in so called "first world countries" as the United States of America, to hold government authorities "criminally liable" for not caring, "INTENTIONALLY NEGLECTING" the needs of those that cannot care for nor defend themselves! IF IT WAS HAPPENING TO THEIR FREAKING CHILDREN, YES, MOST OF YOU CROOKED HUMANS, YOU WOULD FIGHT WITH CLAWS & TEETH TO DEFENT THEIR WELL BEING, AND YOU WOULD EVEN STARVE TO DEATH TO FEED THEM! AND WHOM TOLD YOU BUNCH OF IGNORANT CROOKED CHRISTIANS (AND ALL RELIGIONS!) THAT YOUR CHILDREN ARE BETTER OR DESERVE GOOD TREATMENT, BUT THE CHILDREN OF OTHERS DON'T, ESPECIALLY THOSE WITHOUT PEOPLE THAT PROPERLY CARE FOR THEM!
From the two milleniums ago when Jesus Christ was "MURDERED" by evil & crooked human beings like you, you are the same despicable, emotionally and spiritually imbalanced, irrationally behaved human beings, pretending that everything is "ok" & "normal", WHEN IT IS NOT!"
That is a failure of a civilized society, and THE SUPREME COURT should not and CANNOT allow local or State judicial systems nor government entities in particular to neglect people like him. And as far as his independent interactions with private businesses and with the general public, the State and/or Federal governments need to provide adequate supervision to assist in his daily life.
"Even members of his family (i.e. "daughter") currently treats him in "HORRIBLE" UNACCEPTABLE WAYS. Chris added me to a group chat on his phone, where his younger daughter was chatting too, and after I witnessed her treatment and rejection towards him, I ended up having a chat altercation with her, and I will not put pictures here of that chat only because Chris has never said one thing bad about his daughters, he loves them a lot & he loves both his grandparents. Because he has shown me pictures on his phone, and also texted me or emailed me many of his pictures that that same younger daughter texted him, sharing her family life, with her child, etcetera, thus, I know that there has been lots of love from the part of his daughters towards him, yet, perhaps because of a bad combination of her being so young, not having yet experienced so many possible hardships in life, and because even grown adults can be extremely ignorant towards others, and especially towards mentally disabled homeless people who a "CRIMINAL GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEM & SOCIETY NEGLECT, AND LETS LIVE HUMILIATING AND INHUMANE LIVES OF PAIN, HUNGER, DISCRIMINATION, ABUSE, AND UNHEALTHY LIVES ON THE STREETS". I have great faith that God will judge all human beings, but, in the mean time, we cannot allow the ignorance of human beings, the corrupt power and wealth of humans, marked by great selfishness, greed, and cynicism to continue hurting the most vulnerable human beings in the cruel, evil, unacceptable ways in which they continue to behave, act, and do. I cannot stop talking about, and doing and fighting against such injustices will continue to be a grater focus of my life, so long as I'm mentally, spiritually, and physically able to do so!"
Email: JesimielHeavens@gmail.com
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